미래 박물관(Museum of the Future)
미래관은 혁신적이고 미래지향적인 이념과 서비스, 제품을 전시하는 공간입니다. 
UAE 두바이 금융 지구에 위치한 미래 박물관은 녹색 언덕, 건물 및 공허의 세 가지 주요 요소로 구성됩니다. 
두바이 미래 재단에 의해 설립되었습니다

주소: Sheikh Zayed Rd - Trade Centre - Trade Centre 2 - Dubai - 아랍에미리트





출처 https://museumofthefuture.ae/en


Museum of the Future - Where The Future Lives

The Museum of the Future welcomes people of all ages to see, touch, and shape our shared future. Go on a journey through possible futures and bring hope and knowledge back to the present.



블로그 이미지


[Sponsorship Account] (BTC, Bitcoin) 1G9fMxBxHpnLQbWRmx415RwKBdC9gDXFWy. Thank you for your support.
